Residential Fencing Geelong

Affordable Residential Fencing Geelong services

At Quality Fencing and Retaining Walls, we ensure you choose and install the fence of your choice which balances both areas be it protecting your home and family and how this look with the home. We as the best Residential fencing Geelong use the best quality products and materials which are durable enough to handle harsh weather conditions and any other impact. Our fences come in a range of varieties to complement the colour and style of your property. 

Timber Fencing

Our objective -

We aim to help to enhance the safety, security and aesthetics of your property. Be it looking for a classic wooden fence, a vinyl fence or a durable aluminium fence we provide a wide range of options to choose from. The team of professionals work with you to understand your specific needs. From the initial consultation to the final installation, our expert team will be with you every step of the way to ensure that you are satisfied with the outcome. We work to make sure that the whole process is easy and stress-free. 

Why hire us?

Being the Best Residential Fencing Geelong company, our fencing options are designed to meet a variety of needs. Be it homeowners looking for added privacy, we offer options like wood or vinyl fencing which can be built to the height desired. Fences are installed in residential areas to keep them safely contained within the property. 


At Quality Fencing and Retaining Walls, we understand every homeowner comes with a unique vision for their property and we provide a wide range of styles, colours and materials to choose from. Our fences not only serve practical needs but also add curb appeal and value to the home. 

Benefits of Having Colorbond Fencing

Increase Privacy -

One of the main benefits of having a fence around your property is that it increases privacy. A fence provides a barrier between the outside world and your property. It also prevents people from looking into your yard and house.

Improve Security -

A fence also improves the security of your house or property by providing a physical barrier that keeps unwanted intruders out. Especially if you have children or pets that you want to keep safe.

Enhance Aesthetics-

With a visual element, a fence can be an attractive addition to your property. A good design and well-maintained fence can add curb appeal, making your home more attractive to potential buyers.

Better Noise Reduction -

Depending on the type of fence you choose, it can also help reduce noise pollution from outside sources. This can be especially beneficial if you live in a busy area or near a major road.​

Be confident when you choose our Quality Fencing Company, as this would be a wise investment in the safety, security, and beauty of your home. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you transform your property with durable, beautiful and affordable fencing.